Cov. Learn why 3D mist technology leads the market.
Lub hauv paus rau phau ntawv
Fais FireplacesVapor cublub qhov cub Hluav taws
- Zog Efficiency:
- Siv cov chaw taws teeb lossis app los kho cov nplaim hluav taws, xim, thiab tso tawm cua sov.
Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm Ultrasonic 3D Murt Fireplaces
Tus ultrasonic mort tsim cov txiaj ntsig nplaim dab uas yuav luag indistinguishablequable los ntawm hluav taws tiag. Qhov tob thiab kev txav ntawm cov nplaim taws yog farior coj cub hluav taws. This high level of realism is achieved through the interplay of light and mist, providing a multi-dimensional flame effect that captivates viewers.
Tsawg txij nkawm
Tsis zoo li ib txwm muaj hluav taws, hluav taws xob qauv nrog 3D ua yees duab thev naus laus zis yuav tsum muaj kev kub ntxhov. Tsis muaj qhov xav tau kev ntxuav cov hmoov tshauv lossis tswj cov roj kab. Qee zaus kev ua kom muaj peev xwm ntawm cov dej ntawm cov dej uas muaj dej thiab kev tu ntawm cov transducers feem ntau yog qhov txaus. Cov dej ntawm cov dej uas muaj peev xwm nkag tau yooj yim thiab rov ua dua, kom ntseeg tau tias tusChav Cubyog ib txwm npaj rau kev siv.
Zog Efficiency
feem ntau ntau zog-txuag tau ntau dua li lawv cov ntoo lossis roj counterparts. Cov Panoramamist koob siv siab siab thev naus laus zis los muab kev sov so yam tsis muaj zog siv. Qhov kev siv efficiess no ua rau cov nqi hluav taws xob tsawg thiab txo cov nqi hluav taws xob ib puag ncig. Lub teeb LED uas siv nyob rau hauv cov nplaim taws nyhuv siv lub zog me me, ntxiv txhim kho lub zog txuag hluav taws xob.
Kev Nyab Xeeb Nta
Uas tsis muaj hluav taws kub tiag tiag, tsis muaj kev pheej hmoo ntawm cov txim taws lossis cov pa hluav taws. The PanoramaMist Series is designed to be cool to the touch, reducing the risk of burns and making it a safe option for homes with children or pets. TusDej Vapor Qhov Hluav Taws XobKuj tseem muaj cov kev kaw hluav taws xob tsis zoo no feem rho tawm thaum muaj ntau dua cov dej ntws lossis cov dej tsis muaj txiaj ntsig, ua kom muaj kev nyab xeeb txhua lub sijhawm.
Versatility hauv kev tsim
Tus panoramamist series muaj ib qho qauv zoo nkauj, niaj hnub tsim uas haum muag rau txhua lub décor. Nws cov kev xaiv teeb tsa hloov tau rau phab ntsa-mounting, recessed, lossis freestanding kev teeb tsa. Lub sijhawm ua kom zoo nkauj ntawm lubLub Vaj Kaj KasNtxiv ib qho kov ntawm elegance rau ib chav, ua rau nws lub focal point nyob rau hauv chaw nyob.
Ib puag ncig tus phooj ywg
Dej Vapor FireplacesTsis txhob tsim cov pa phem, ua rau lawv xaiv hauv eco-tus phooj ywg. Lawv muaj ib qho huv si thiab lwm txoj hauv kev ntsuab rau cov ntoo lossis cov roj hluav taws kub, txo koj cov hneev taw. By using water and electricity to create realistic flames, these fireplaces eliminate the need for fossil fuels and minimize environmental impact.
Customizable nplaim teeb meem
LED Dej Vapor Qhov cubCov. Lub Panoramamist Series muaj ntau qhov ntau thiab tsawg kom haum cov chaw sib txawv. Ntsuas koj qhov chaw muaj los xyuas kom meej haum thiab txiav txim siab seb koj puas nyiam lub phab ntsa-mounted, recessed installed.
Cov Nta Ntsig
Xav txog cov nta uas tseem ceeb tshaj rau koj, xws li cov chaw taws teeb tswj, kho cov nplaim hluavtaws, thiab cov khoom tawm cua sov. Cov Panoramamist Series muaj ntau txoj kev sib cav, pub koj tsim tus kheejVapor Qhov Hluav Taws Xobkev paub. Look for features like programmable timers, temperature control, and ambiance lighting.
Kev Txiav Teeb Meem
Cov Lus Nquag Nug
The PanoramaMist Series-Ultrasonic 3D Mist Intelligent Fireplace from Fireplace Craftsman represents the pinnacle of electric fireplace technology. Muab cov kev tsis sib xws, lub zog txuag, thiab kev nyab xeeb, nws yog qhov zoo ntxiv rau lwm lub tsev. Puag lub neej tom ntej ntawm cov hluav taws kub nrog 3D ua yees duab thiab hloov koj qhov chaw nyob rau hauv lub voj voog, caw hav dej.
Lub Sijhawm Post: Jul-24-2024